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Mike & Molly
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Name That Character!
Guess the name of these TMNT characters with these picture clues, then swipe to see if you’re right!
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Our first turtle is named after this dude, aka the creator of the MONA LISA!
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It’s Leo, aka, Leonardo! Named after Leonardo Davinci, a 16th century painter, inventor, and turtle-tastic renaissance man.
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This turtle is known for his fiery-red personality, kinda like how this famous Italian has a passion for painting.
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It’s Raphael, of course! This dude is always seeing red. Raph is named after Raphael, a 15th century painter.
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Hint: It takes a true GENIUS to sculpt like this artist!
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If you guessed Donnie, you’re a WHIZ! Donnie is named for Donatello, the famous Renaissance sculptor.
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REVERSE ALERT! There’s only one Turtle left, so you know it’s Mikey - but do you know who he’s named after?
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MEET MICHELANGELO! Known for works of art like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo may be the most famous of all these Renaissance dudes.
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Who’s the only TMNT character named after a month? Hint: it’s Leo’s faaaavorite month…
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It can only be April! The absolutely baller student-reporter that Leo is crushing on.
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Which character shares a name with the thing wood does when it gets split apart?!
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SPLINTER! This rad rat-dad is way cooler than split wood.
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BUZZ! This character can be a SUPER pest.
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DUN DUN DUN! It’s Super Fly